The magical ultraviolet C (UVC) sterilizing devices are proven to kill 99.99% of germs, but may pose a risk of skin cancer and cataracts, Chula professors cautioned consumers to use them carefully and by being fully informed.
Humans have been known to use sunlight or UV rays to kill germs for centuries. This cultural heritage has been passed on to modern times. Scientists have expanded the use of high-energy UVC to public health applications i.e. successfully eliminate the bacteria that caused heavy outbreaks of SARS and MERS in the past. fah talai jone
“Most recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the “New Normal” lifestyle which requires close attention to personal hygiene and sanitation to avoid infectious diseases has made UVC increasingly important. Portable UVC devices are now available for consumers to buy in order to kill germs in the air, water, food, money, coins, banknotes, masks, etc.”, said Dr. Thitithip Tippayamontri, Department of Radiological Technology and Medical Physics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University in cautioning the public about the use of UVC.
UVC in today’s lifestyle
UVC devices have been used in hospitals and industries to disinfect food and ventilation systems. Lately, the devices have started to be used in everyday life, the use of which may sometimes be taken for granted, e.g. to sterilize cutleries in cafeterias or banknotes. As the COVID-19 pandemic is still looming, sterilization devices have become hot items on everybody’s list. As a result, an increasing number of UVC devices are being produced and scaled down to fit domestic use so that people can own them, such as a UVC sterilizer box that can be used in households with toddlers, ailing people, people with allergies, or those who need extra clean surroundings. There are also portable UVC LED sterilizing wands that people can carry around with them to kill airborne germs, germs in food, banknotes, and other items.