Q: Are the main services operating as usual?
A: Yes. The CU Shuttle bus, MuvMi, Plearn Space, entry and exit gates, Central Library, and canteens will be opened.
Q: Will Chula students be able to organize their activities?
A: Yes. In this regard, each agency in charge should consider the appropriate measures to ensure the prevention of the spread of COVID-19. thailand university ranking
Q: What should I do if I have tested positive on the ATK test?
A: Mild symptoms:
Inform the Student Affairs office of the Faculty (send a photo of the ATK test result together with your student ID card and the date of detection), Self-isolate for 7 days (WFH or study online classes*) after that avoid spreading the infection for the next 3 days (on-site study or work is permitted). The date of your positive test is counted as the first day.
Severe symptoms/ risk group:
Contact the hospital linked to your available healthcare and social security benefits, if any. Or call the CU Health Service Center at 0-2218-0568.
* There is no need to take sick leave and you will not be considered absent from class.
Q: If my classmates are infected with COVID-19, do I have to quarantine as well?
A: Not necessarily. As long as you continue to wear a face mask and maintain distancing, you can live a normal life. However, symptoms should be monitored closely.
Q: Is there any simple advice for staying away from COVID-19?
A: Keep yourself updated on Chula news and activities via CU Nex and don’t forget to follow the Chula 1-2-3 guidelines