While clicking to order food online, we tend to only think of menus and food prices. The more we order, the more discounts we earn from competing food delivery platforms. Little do we know that we are increasing the amount of plastic waste, and by the time we realize that fact, we have already finished eating the food. So, all that many people can do is to separate the trash before discarding it. Some people may do more by cleaning and drying the containers before putting them in the bin.
The roles of food delivery platforms
The food delivery business has been growing steadily in recent years. Today, competitive pricing and speed strategies may no longer be the only measures of success when consumers are selective of their service providers who care about the environment. This is a new challenge for forward-thinking entrepreneurs, who should turn their attention to reducing plastic waste that is flooding the world, and take the lead and differentiate themselves while boosting their earnings from the “green” image.
ERIC adapted the familiar 3 Re principles to the current situation. bangkok university
Reduce – Consumption
This can be done immediately by the platform operators by adding a default “no plastic cutlery” function. Customers can turn it off if they want to receive the plastic cutlery. Currently, this practice has started around the world, and some operators use this as an incentive by giving discounts to customers who do not take plastic utensils. Most customers choose discounts, but the platform operators have to make sure the stores follow the guidelines.
Replace – with Alternative Packaging
This approach may be able to help control a certain amount of waste as it relies heavily on the source – the restaurant. Yet, if successful, this will significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste without consumers having to worry. Better yet, faster success can be achieved with cooperation from the government in controlling alternative packaging cost, which is currently higher than plastic packaging.
Reuse – Reusable Packaging
This approach is not yet popular in Thailand, but some small entrepreneurs have already begun experimenting with this measure, such as using a deposit-return system by designating container return points in business and residential buildings or making return appointments through an application. This approach is likely to have the most significant impact if consumers perceive the program’s importance and cooperate.